Ahmadinejad: No One Gives a Damn to Western Oil Ban on Iran

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad underlined on Tuesday that the people in Iran don't care about the sanctions imposed by the western states against the country's oil sector since they enjoy many other resources and talents to meet their financial needs.
"I don't give a damn if you don't buy (Iran's) oil. We can gain 10 times more money through our academic inventions than the money we earn through oil (sales)," Ahmadinejad said in the Western city of Hamedan today.

Stressing that the huge energy of the Iranian people should be released and the grounds should be provided for their use of resources, he said, "The Iranian nation's God-given wealth should be exploited, and if so, no one can pressure Iran."

After the UN Security Council ratified a sanctions resolution against Iran on June 9, 2010, the United States and the European Union imposed further unilateral sanctions against the Islamic Republic over its nuclear program, mostly targeting the country's energy and banking sectors.

Tehran has always dismissed West's pressures and stressed that sanctions and embargos merely consolidate Iranians' national resolve to continue the path of progress and will harm the economies of the supporters of sanctions.

The EU measure was ratified at a ministerial meeting in January 2012, but the 27-member bloc deferred its implementation until July 1.

Meantime, analysts believe that the EU started implementation of the sanctions against Iran at a time when it is experiencing its worst economic conditions.

Source: farsnews

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