Sources: Israel Transferring Yemeni Jews to Occupied Lands

A group of Yemeni Jews has already been transferred to Tel Aviv via Doha and on a Qatari flight, the Palestinian Arab-language weekly, al-Manar, quoted informed sources as saying.

They noted that Israel is preparing to host more Yemeni Jews in coming months.

According to the sources, a number of Israeli cabinet ministers and parliamentarians as well as several institutes in charge of transferring Jews from across the world to the occupied territories are running the plan.

Yemen's Jewish population exceeded 60,000 before the occupation of Palestine in 1938, while after the occupation more than 48,000 Jews only from Yemen were lured to the occupied territories en masse.

To stop the trend, Yemen's government did not allow the Jewish population to take foreign trips to stay outside the country for long until early 1990s, but Sana'a revoked the ban on the Jews in 1993.

Jews supported the former Yemeni dictator Ali Abdullah Saleh by holding pro-Saleh demonstrations during the Yemeni revolution.

Israel has long been pursuing a Judaization plot to change the identity of the region. Ever since the 1967 Six-Day War, Israel has been increasingly exercising its Judaization scenario all across the occupied lands in Palestine and the Golan Heights (in Syria).

Last year, Israel's inner cabinet decided to speed up construction of homes for Jews in Arab East Quds (Jerusalem) and in other nearby settlements to punish the Palestinians for winning membership in the UN cultural agency, UNESCO.

Since then, Israel has issued announcements for the construction of 2,057 new homes in Arab East Quds and 1,241 in the West Bank, official figures show.

At least 200,000 Israelis live in a dozen settlement neighborhoods in East Quds (Jerusalem), which was captured by Israel in 1967 and annexed in an aggressive move never recognized internationally.


Source: farsnews

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