To Know God, Know Yourself
In the name of Allah; the Compassionate, the Merciful
Arafah, Imam Hussein(A.S), and the Inseparable Link
To Know God, Know Yourself
Contrast, not comparison..
Scholars have debated the meaning of the prophetic tradition “He who knows himself, knows his Lord” for centuries. Allamah Majlisi who is one of the greatest scholars of Hadeeth, a man who has demonstrated a striking insight into the luminous words of the divinely appointed Imams and author of the eminent collection of Hadeeth ‘Oceans of Light’, lists eleven possible meanings for the dictum. One thing is for certain; that the juxtaposition of man and God is for contrast rather than comparison. We all know that God is not to be compared. Period. “Naught is as His likeness” [42:11]. So the meaning becomes ‘he who knows his intrinsic weakness, inherent deficiency, and fundamental impotence, shall know his Lord’s absolute power, ubiquitous presence, and infinite knowledge’.
In this sense, for one to truly appreciate his Lord’s greatness in every sense; his power, generosity, wisdom, mercy.. the list goes on to cover all 1000 divine attributes, one must reach within to find the poverty which is the hallmark of all created beings. Being the mortals who are resistant to such a confession makes this an unmistakably difficult feat. An exercise which requires deep contemplation and an acknowledgment of the truth.
Awareness of the Self
It is precisely such a profound sense of awareness that is the purpose of the day of Arafah. A day in which pilgrims head to the House of the Lord to slough off their sins by means of confessing them prior to returning to the holy city of Makkah. Pilgrims are encouraged to stand on their feet from noon til dusk, under the sun, with no clothing or distinguishing articles but their shroud, whilst covered with dust, and confess each and every act of transgression they have perpetrated, along with genuine remorse and a commitment to repent, as preconditions for forgiveness. The contrast is once again eye-opening; the more I recall my sinful conduct and shameful deeds, the more I sense His mercy, compassion, and pardon towards this nefarious slave.
Without question, however, the best reminder of man’s delinquent demeanor and the merciful nature of God is the supplication which was recited by the Master of the Youth of Paradise; Imam Hussein on Arafah. A prayer unmatched in its splendor; a beauty which stems from the astonishing insights which leave us speechless. It is so profound that one is perplexed whether to stand in awe for its eloquence or succumb to its debilitatingly potent revelations about ourselves. From the very start of the supplication, you will slip into a sea of facts with profound implications which inextricably change your view of the world. The tears which flowed from Imam Hussein’s eyes whilst reciting it in his tent along with ours, are symptoms of this powerful elixir.
I can boldly claim that one who recites this supplication is transformed, albeit for the duration of it and before the distractions come rushing in.
Another unique aspect of Arafah is the significant weight given by the holy Imams to the Zyara of Imam Hussein. One narration equates it to a thousand Hajj performed with the Awaited Savior! Another narration states Rofa’ah came to visit Imam al Sadeq (AS). The Imam asked him “O Rofa’ah, did you perform Hajj this year?”. Rofa’ah said “no, as I had no means to do so, but I spent Arafah at the shrine of Hussein”. The Imam said “O Rofa’ah, you have [acquired no less rewards] than those who are at Mina (i.e. the pilgrims), and had it not been that I would hate for people to abandon Hajj I would have told you something after which you shall never neglect the Zyara”. All of this gravity awarded to the act of visiting his sacred shrine is perhaps a secret which shall never be uncovered. A secret which requires an understanding of how it was Imam Hussein who preserved the very rituals of Hajj and it was none other than him who safeguarded divine messages embedded in the desert of Arafat and extrapolated in the Supplication of Arafah.
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