Indian city to host Qur’an for all campaign

Indian city to host Qur’an for all campaign

The Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (JEIH) and Students' Islamic Organization of India (SIOI) will embark on a month-long "Qur’an for all" campaign in the state to dispel misunderstandings associated with the Holy Book and Islam.

According to Times of India, JEIH Guwahati unit president Md Abdul Hamid said during the campaign, issues like education, women's rights and family planning will be discussed. He informed that other communities will also participate in open discussions on various issues associated with the Qur’an and Islam.

While JEIH will look after the campaign in Guwahati, SIOI will carry out a drive at the state-level. "As part of our campaign, we are looking forward to have people from other communities deliver talks on the Qur’an and Islam. We are ready to discuss on any issue and explain the Qur’an's real message," Hamid said.

After the completion of the month-long campaign, a public rally will be held at Sijubari on January 20. The rally is organized to allow more non-Muslims to take part in it.

"We hope that we can explain to the public what the Qur’an stands for and promote better understanding among the different communities and religions through our campaign," he said.

Source: irib

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